Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Surprise gifts and good reads..

We got home today with a package waiting at our front door and what a surprise it was coming from our dear friends who are in 'transition' right now as they started the moving back process to the east coast from Las Vegas. I started reading the book right away and it's definitely a girlfriends' guide indeed! Enjoying all the girlfriends anecdotes and tips!! Thank you also for the beautiful sonogram frame which we cannot wait to select the best picture we have - we think the best one would be the sonogram when we find out the gender of Baby Milizia in a couple of weeks time.

Thank you to Mindi, Andy, Alyssa and Drew for the wonderful surprise gifts!!

Peter joined in later reading a bit from the book as well - next to also reading the standard pregnancy bible "What to Expect When You're Expecting". We have the book loaded onto our Ipad, Ipod and Kindle to name a few for easy access and at arm's reach.

The other book which we are reading is "The Joy of Pregnancy" - after skimming through a couple of books, we found out they are all pretty much the same. Just opted for the book which we felt was  organized book and easy to read for us.

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