Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Congratulations to Yan & Brian!!

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September 24th, 2006
The Village Chapel - Howell, Michigan

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Presenting... Mr. & Mrs. Ciupak

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The Ciupak Family

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Wednesday, September 20, 2006

HH The Dalai Lama

His Holiness at a special engagement dialogue with overseas chinese students.

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All of the of OIE GAs helping out at the Tibet Fund and Graduate Student Association table before the highlight speech by HH.

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Scenes from the UB stadium which filled in about 30,000 attendeees on September 19th, 2006

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His Holliness the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso

***Additional photoes can be located on the following Flickr picture site or on UB's Dalai Lama website (photographs). If you wish to revisit or share the Dalai Lama's speech as well as other events in his three-day visit, you can access them at the same UB website (videos).

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Yan's Bridal Shower

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Yan and her bridesmaids.... opening shower gifts!!

Everyone smile for the camera... and after this, it is party time!! Whatever happens the rest of the night... its our word against all other! :P

Yan's Last Night Out!!

Dinner - sushi, green tea ice-cream,
Bridal shower - presents, games, lingerie, body butter,
Strip club - pepper & mints, naked male & females, body shots, lap dances...
PRICELESS!! What a night!!!

Friday, September 15, 2006

Bachelorette party 101

As the M.O.H. (Maid Of Honor) for Yan, it is my duty to organize the bridal shower and most importantly, the bachelorette party. Due to Yan's extremely hectic schedule, both events are combined into one... a little unorthodox, but time is not on our side.

I have been, sending out invititations, getting people to RSVP, making car arrangements - too rush to get a limo :o(, getting party games and naughty favors and shopping for shower gifts!!

Get ready girlfriends... the party is ON tonight!!