Here's Vivian opening her surprise package...
and her again with the finished product from Pete & me.
Many happy returns of the day and a happy birthday!!
Here's wishing you to a wonderful year ahead!
Lotsa love,
Sherene & Peter
The island girl has returned to the giant mainland of the northeast of the United States. With a short stop in HK before embarking on the long haul flight back to NY, the entire trip back to NY was fairly pleasant. A big thanks to Vivian@ChenChyi and Ivan for their hospitality and to Catherine and Khai Jing, thanks for meeting up with this dear old friend.
Lucky or unlucky me... one of my luggage did not arrive. This seemed to be a repeat of last year's amazing typhoon in HK journey home with Pete - missing luggages. Lucky in the sense that once tracked, it will be couriered to my door step and I had already saved $50 from the domestic flight's overweight shipping fee. Unlucky in the sense that I still don't have my stuff with me!!! Oh well... keep my fingers crossed for the save return of my (brand new) luggage.
Peter was there to greet me at the airport... looking really dashing in his work clothes, a card and a bouquet of flowers! My lovie's a hopeless romantic just like me!! :D He then surprised me by taking me out to dinner at this Mediterranean restaurant Brio's where we previously hosted a mini celebration for our civil marriage back in April. The day I arrived back in NY was our 4 months and 1 day anniversary since being legally married.
Thanks for the beautiful evening lovie!!
**more pictures to come... once I've uploaded them all onto my flickr account.
...our little corner to be filled with ramblings of things yesterday, today and tomorrow...
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